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How to move off proprietary ERP and implement fast, reliable & high loaded invoice processing software

A large retailer once

asked us to implement software for processing EDI documents and moving off  proprietary ERP system


The vendor is a known pure-play “e-tailer” in the United States

Who was

a Client?

Purveyor of more than 1,200 brands

Executor of over 100 million orders since inception

Who is a Client?

What business tasks did the partner want to solve?

Move off proprietary ERP system

Move off costly platform to reduce operational expenses

Customize automated invoice processing

Customize Electronic Data Interchange payload processing

Accelerate & scale invoice processing

Eliminate manual checks and ensure the processing of thousands of documents per second by making them system-elastic and horizontally scalable in the cloud

Business tasks
Difficulties that partner did face

What difficulties did the partner face?

Lack of competent

engineering staff

Profound complexity

of the project

Tight project


Our steps towards solving the task


Designed a scalable architecture based on the client's technical stack and focusing on reliability, elasticity and high throughput

Built project cloud infrastructure suitable for hosting and scaling the application in real time


Implemented microservice-based product based on client's requirements


Deployed the remote development team, leading the project to success


Our steps towards solving the task


Reduced expenses

Cut costs by switching from proprietary ERP to a custom module

Removed manual operation

Streamlined activities by eliminating manual efforts when processing Electronic Data Interchange documents

Improved speed of EDI documents processing

Reduced invoice processing time by 300%


Meet The Plexteq Team

Meet The Plexteq Team


Alex Moskvin


Volodymyr Yaremchuk.jpg

Volodymyr Yaremchuk

Systems architect


Sergey Savalyk

DevOps Lead engineer

Plexteq is a growing IT company focused on Big Data, Back-up Services, IoT, SaaS and other non-trivial domains

Victor Kuvshynov!.jpg

Victor Kuvshunov

QA Lead

Oksana Mazurova.jpg

Oksana Mazurova

Android Lead engineer


Bogdan Laukhin

iOS Lead engineer

Meet the team



Let’s have a conversation on Skype so I can share with you specific examples of how I will help launch complex startup projects and implement them in a company of global proportions

Skype: moskvin.alex

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